Can Tile Shapes Transform a Bathroom?

Bathroom Tile Store in Glendale

When you go to our bathroom tile store in Glendale, you will find different tiles shapes. The shape of the tile is one of the things to consider when buying this type of flooring. Often, when people choose a tile shape, they are picking it according to the space. But this is wrong. A tile shape can influence the overall appearance of a room. In this case of your bathroom, it can make it look big or small. 

Visiting Bathroom Tile Store in Glendale 

Once you visit our bathroom showroom, you will get a better understanding of how big tiles or small tiles can affect the appearance of a room. 

Make It Look Bigger

If you’re not fortunate to have a big bathroom, you can still make it look bigger by using bigger tiles, such as 60×60 cm. The furniture or fixture inside this room will look smaller because of their size compared to the larger tiles you install. By installing larger tiles, the room will look more open. 

But the size of the tile isn’t the only thing that you make your bathroom look spacious. Your choice of grout lines will also amplify the effect. However, in some cases, huge tiles don’t immediately work with a small bathroom. That’s why it’s important to consult with a designer to help you get a proper insight into how bigger tiles will look to the said room. 

Bathroom Tile Store in Glendale

Where You Place the Tiles 

Another way to make your bathroom look bigger is to use tiles with a wooden effect placed horizontally from the door. Because of the direction they run, the tiles will appear to be stretching the gap between the work surfaces. As a result, they make the room look bigger than it is.

However, if you install them vertically, they can make the room look smaller because it produces a squeezing effect. It’s also the same when you choose a herringbone pattern. It produces a wide gap between the sides. As a result, it creates the illusion that the room is being stretched quite far.

The Tile Colors 

You can also use light-colored tiles if you want to make your bathroom appear larger or bigger. Light-colored tiles are trendy. Choosing brighter colors will make the room appear more spaced out. The reason for this is that the increased light will emphasize the gaps between the furniture/fixtures. Thus, the color makes the room appear less busy. 

And when you renovate make sure that you incorporate natural light. This will intensify the effect. It aids in spacing things out.  

Still Not Sure What Tiles to Use? 

If you’re still grappling with ideas and wondering what type of tiles to install in your bathroom, you should visit our bathroom tile store in Glendale. Our showrooms will give you some concepts on how to install a certain type of tile in your house. You will find various colors, styles, and patterns. Contact us here to know more: (818) 862-3122.

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