Is Tile Countertop a Good Idea?

kitchen tile store in Glendale

Tile is versatile. You can use it for backspaces, bathroom floors, and countertops. It used to be popular in the ’70s. But there are still houses in Glendale that use tile countertops. You can also find them in our kitchen tile store in Glendale. But is it a good idea? 

Visit Kitchen Tile Store in Glendale to Know the Pros of Tile Countertops 

Some experts may have mixed opinions about the use of tile counters. But if you are not sure how it will look in your kitchen, make sure to visit our kitchen tile store. 

  • You will find that tile countertop offers variety. 
  • The tile countertop top has plenty of options in appearance and price. 
  • You can also choose from a wide array of colors, shapes, and sizes. 
  • Another advantage is that a tile countertop can be easily replaced. If one area is broken, you can swap it out with replacement tiles. Compared to replacing an entire slab. 

What are the Potential Drawbacks of Tile Countertops? 

  • Susceptible to stains. Tile is a porous surface. Thus, it is prone to stains. It has grout that needs to be sealed. But even with sealed grout lines, they still absorb bacteria. This is especially problematic when you handle or prepare uncooked food. 
  • Not that durable. The tile is heat-resistant. It is also scratch-resistant. But it is also prone to chipping. This is epically true if you choose ceramic, which is softer than natural stone. 

Should You Avoid Tile Countertop? 

It depends on your preference. When you visit our kitchen tile store, you will have a better understanding of how tile works. You can ask our designers about alternatives. The good thing is that there are new advancements. For instance, ceramic tile can be polished or installed the same way as natural stone. The new technology also minimizes seams and ground joints. The new technology allows tile countertops to have a wide array of colors and styles. 

The Cost of Tile Countertops 

It depends on the tile material you choose. Visit our kitchen tile store to know exactly how much you will pay per square foot. There are various types of tiles. Ceramic is the least expensive to install. You will not buy material based on the square foot. Instead, you should focus on the design, suitability, and product. With enough research, you can find the right tile countertop that is ideal for your kitchen. 

kitchen tile store in Glendale

Amirian Home’s Solutions

Amirian Home is your trusted kitchen tile store in Glendale. It is your one-stop shop for luxury tiles. When you visit our tile store, you can access our expertise, service, and innovation. Our state-of-the-art showroom will give you a glimpse of how most tiles will work in some setup. We have an exclusive section of tile, kitchen, bath, cabinets, and vanities where you get an idea of how they look. 

If you are still not sure how a tile countertop works, make sure to visit our kitchen tile store in Glendale. When you visit our showroom, you can talk to our designers and get expert advice on anything about tile.  


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