Find the Best Kitchen and Bathroom Tiles at our Tile Store in Torrance

tile store in Torrance

We don’t think about it that much unless we are either cleaning or fixing it, but flooring is a very important component of any home. It is, after all, the surface on which we move around. This is why it’s key that you chose flooring that is as durable as it is nice to look at. That’s what we aim to help you with here at our tile store in Torrance

tile store in Torrance

Picking the Right Tiles

Tiling your home can be quite a lot of fun in between looking through all the possible designs and creating the spaces you want out of your home. However, you also need to consider a few guidelines depending on the room that you are tiling. Don’t worry too much about it, though, our team here at our tile store in Torrance is ready to help.

Kitchen Tiles

There are three things you will need to consider when it comes to picking tiles for your kitchen so that you can make sure you are choosing the right fit:

  • Surface texture – Kitchens are messy. Between leaks, splashes, and spills, you never know what’s going to end up on the kitchen floor. This means that you need to make sure that the surface texture of your tiles isn’t dangerously slippery and has a decent grip in order to avoid accidents.
  • Capacity for wear and foot traffic – Kitchens can see a lot of foot traffic. Between your household cooking and eating, potential visits, and the constant cleaning, kitchen floors are put through plenty of use and wear, which is why finding resistant tiling is so important.
  • Design compatibility – Of course, you want your kitchen to look good, don’t you? Your flooring is going to be one of the major design components of your kitchen, so make sure that you choose a styling that matches the counters, cabinets, and appliances.

Bathroom Tiles

No, bathrooms have similar needs to those in kitchens. However, you will need to take a few different factors into consideration:

  • Tolerance for humidity – There’s no need to tell you how wet and humid bathrooms are. After all, that’s what they are for. This is why you need to pick tiles that can properly handle humidity without harboring moisture.
  • Surface texture – Once again, the texture will be very important. Foot traffic in bathrooms is mostly barefoot and over wet surfaces, so the grip of the tiles needs to be fit for those circumstances. If you want to make sure you aren’t picking dangerously slippery flooring, ask for the right texture at our tile store in Torrance.
  • Temperature and light – Have you noticed that bathrooms can often be cold and dark? This happens, not just because of the cold nature of tiles, but because bathroom windows can be quite small. Picking lighter tiles can reflect light in a way that makes your bathroom warmer and better lit.

Tile Store in Torrance

The best way to decide what tiles you want for your home is to see them in person, and that’s what we offer here at the best tile store in Torrance. You can visit the Amirian Home showroom at 219-221 PCH and see for yourself. Additionally, you can browse our online catalog to find the tile you are looking for or call us at (424) 390-4460 for more information.

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