Are you looking for the very best in tile? Do you want a kind of tile that will stand the test of time, that you can rely on year in and year out? Of all of the different kinds of tile and different tile companies in the world, Porcelanosa stands out from the rest. For…
Just Some of the Reasons Our Floor Tile is the Choice for Your Kitchen
Have you been looking for the right floor tile for your kitchen? As you research one kind of tile or another, does it seem like they’re all more or less the same? Those are just some of the reasons that folks have come to our showrooms. Here at Amirian Home, we offer many different kinds…
What to Consider When Looking at Kitchen Tile
Have you been trying to find the right shower or kitchen tile? When you sit down to look at what you need to get tiles, does it seem like it’s a bit overwhelming? Here at Amirian Home, we offer a diverse range of options to suit your preferences. For example, tiles, renowned for their durability…
What Makes Porcelanosa Different and How It Can Help Your Home
Have you been researching tile and are wondering why the name “Porcelanosa” comes up time and time again? The truth is that, for generations, this name has come up time and again. We can tell you that this has occurred on merit. This company has been around for decades, setting a new standard for tile…
Kitchen and Bath Showrooms Glendale CA to Show You What Your Home Can Be
Have you been looking at kitchen and bathroom tiles on your phone and wondering if these would be a good fit for your home? When you see something you like on your screen, do you feel reluctant to buy it? That’s understandable. It’s also one of the reasons that we offer kitchen and bath showrooms…
Finding the Right Kitchen Tile: A December 2023 Guide
Does it seem like it’s a challenge finding the right kitchen tile? When you look at one tile after another, do you think: “none of these are the right tile for my kitchen?” That’s understandable. You spend so much time in your kitchen, you want it to look its very best, to be as safe…
More Than Bathroom Vanity: What Tile Can Do for Your Bathroom
Have you been looking at your bathroom and feel that it’s lacking a certain something? Does it feel like when you go to bathrooms in other homes, they have a style that yours doesn’t? We can help. Bathrooms, often considered a purely utilitarian space, hold significant potential for aesthetic enhancement, especially considering the bathroom vanity….
What to Look For in Luxury Kitchen Tiles Beyond Just Luxury
Have you been looking at what you’ve been told are “luxury kitchen tiles” only to find that it doesn’t seem like there’s all that much “luxurious” about them? When it comes to transforming your kitchen, checking out all of your available options may be the first step. Selecting tiles isn’t just about finding a cute…
What Floor Tile Can Do for Your Bathroom
Are you in the midst of a bathroom makeover? Does it seem like your floor tile just isn’t what you want it to be? Those are just some of the reasons that folks reach out to us here at Amirian. Whether you’re renovating an existing space or creating a brand-new bathroom, one of the key…
What Our Kitchen and Bathroom Showrooms in Glendale CA Can Do
Have you been struggling to improve your kitchen or your bathroom? That’s one of the major reasons that brings folks to our kitchen and bathroom showrooms in Glendale CA. Here, we can show you our entire catalog in person, so that you won’t just see it, you can feel it and experience it for yourself. …