Visit Kitchen Tile Store in Glendale to Create a Unique and Distinct Room

kitchen tile

Picking kitchen tile that suits your taste and the space in question is not as easy as it might seem. Sure, you might want to go with your gut and pick something that looks nice, but you need to consider how it will look with the cabinets, counters, and appliances. Here are a few tips for finding the kitchen tile you want and creating the kitchen you dream of.

Embrace Modern Design

Sure, you might feel nostalgic for those traditional wood kitchens of old. You know the type: the kind of kitchen that evokes images of grandma cooking with soft light streaming in through the windows. These are beautiful, sure, but is that really the aesthetic you want to go for in the year 2020? Interior design has been in a consistently modern direction ever since the Bauhaus movement. This doesn’t mean that nostalgic design is dead, obviously, but the tendency definitely is towards something more modern. In fact, retro-futuristic design is now being implemented quite prominently in kitchen and interior spaces. The first step when approaching kitchen tile and cabinets will be to embrace new and different aesthetics.

kitchen tile

Settle on a Color Palette

The best way to approach design, in general, will be to settle on a specific style and unifying aesthetic value. You don’t want it to look like you built your kitchen across a whole decade of gathering different stuff, do you? No, you probably want a harmonious look where the tiles match the cabinets and the countertops match the appliances. Well, this might seem like a lot of thought needs to be put into it. Yes, that’s true, but it really isn’t as complicated as it might seem. It can be a lot of fun, actually. Are you looking for a slick slate gray that denotes elegance? Are you more of a deep reds and contrasting whites person? There’s a color palette out there for you to fall in love with and we are here to help you find it.

Stick to a Style

Once you’ve settled on a style and a color palette, it’s time for you to stick to it. You might keep finding appliances and fixtures that you really like but that maybe aren’t great when you think about the bigger picture. Remember that if you want to create a harmonious space, you will want to coordinate everything that will be visible the majority of time. If you really like that hot pink blender that doesn’t go with your palette, it’s fine. It’s not like you’re keeping it out all the time. However, microwaves, stovetops, lamps, and ovens should match the general look. These will all play their part in determining how your kitchen is going to look and how you will feel while you are using it. Think about these things!

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